Why is life useless? Why is it not?

3 min readFeb 25, 2022
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Don’t we think sometimes that life is just a little too much valuable? On the other hand don’t we think that life is just a piece of shit? We do, right?

Sometimes we start backbiting ourselves. We say that we are just here to live and die. What is the meaning of life if we don’t enjoy the same life? Why isn’t there equality in life? We all think this and usually end up doing something which we do not ought to. We cry, scream, ponder, depress, overthink, become anxious and it all does nothing but hurt ourselves emotionally.

We start something amazing and exciting hoping that the little wins from it will someday or the other, result in something amazing and big, but let me tell you that life is all about luck and fate. And both of these words are nasty shit because they change within the smallest second.

So what exactly is life according to this mindset? Life is just a whole crap that starts in the sun and ends in the dark.

Life is all about fate and luck.

Quoting the above quote, life can be amazing for those rich bastards who were god-gifted a prestigious amount of luck and fate. They were born with luck and they will end with luck. They surely have those dark times, when they too have emotional damage, but they are just too lucky to get out of it.

These fate-luck-filled bastards are interfering with those lives who are not as rich as theirs. The weaker-luck ones see them and just ponder and pity their lives and wish they were the same. This is a whole waste of time and more depression.

Sometimes the life outside us matters more than the life inside us.

There are many ways one can change his/her life. So for the weaker one's sake, the only advice is to have faith in yourselves. You see your surroundings. Then you see you. You see yourself. You see inside you. You think about yourself. You plan for the future, you pity about the past. But, no one knows if life will take you to the future. Life is cruel. It can stop according to its will.

So listen here, you can’t do anything to the gruesome past, and you can’t plan the unknown future. Tell your head to stop thinking about these 2 tenses. Think about the present. Scold your head to think about the present. Because the present will take you to the future and modify the past. The time machine has not been invented(yet) so there is no meaning in pondering about them.

Luck and fate will jump into you and you will be filled with it if you try to make the present better. So the only thing one should do is to make an amazing present.

life can be amazing
Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Believe me, it influences the other tenses.

Life is a paradox.

